4x15 Death Takes a Holiday

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view post Posted on 6/12/2008, 07:05

Just mine

Dam Fans
Lawrence (Kansas)


Per ora, si sa che apparirà di nuovo il demone Alastair e quest'altro personaggio:
Questo intelligente ma disperato ragazzino di 12 anni all'inizio è spaventato e ribelle, incapace di lasciarsi alle spalle la sua vecchia vita. E' disperato per la situazione difficile in cui si trova a vivere e sta provando una perdita reale. Egli ha anche la sorprendente abilità tipica dei ragazzi di cacciarsi sempre in qualche altro guaio.

Edited by Aisha81 - 6/12/2008, 12:40
view post Posted on 7/12/2008, 06:51

Just mine

Dam Fans
Lawrence (Kansas)


Ecco la trama parziale:

Ext. Street – Night

Jim Hightower and his friend Ed Hensley, both in their 30s, are walking down a quiet street mid-conversation. Jim asks Ed to tell him why would you kick that field goal. Ed answers because it’s football. Jim corrects him saying that it’s fantasy football and the three points screwed him over. Ed tells Jim that he needs a life and Jim argues that fantasy football is life.

The two round a corner and are immediately confronted by a mugger. He demands their wallets. Ed says okay and tells the mugger to take it easy. Both men pull out their wallets. Jim fumbles his wallet and it drops to the ground. Jim starts to bend down, informing the mugger he’s just going to get it. The mugger tells him not to play around with him and Jim swears to God that he ain’t.

A gun shot rings out as the mugger shoots Jim point blank in the heart. Jim collapses to the ground as the mugger runs off into the night. Ed rushes to Jim’s side and starts yelling for somebody to call 911. Suddenly, Jim’s eyes open, and he’s confused as he comes around. Ed reassures him, informing him he was shot, but help’s coming. Jim hesitates but then says that no, he thinks he’s okay.

Jim feels for the wound and pulls back his shirt, revealing the wound. It’s huge and ugly. But, there’s no blood. Jim sits up, and holds out a hand to Ed. Ed doesn’t take the hand and tells Jim that he should stay down ‘cause he’s in shock. Jim tells Ed not to be a jackass and to help him up.

Ed does as told and both men stand there confused as Jim pats himself down. Nothing’s wrong with him. A siren wails in the distance and Ed asks Jim how the hell he’s alive. Jim admits he doesn’t know.

Int. Hightower House – Day

Sam and Dean are sitting across from Jim in his living room. Outside Jim’s wife and daughter are playing in the backyard. Sam says that they are from Floored-by-the-lord.com. Dean chimes in adding that the site is all God’s glory fit to blog. Sam tells Jim that the people around town are calling what happened to him as a miracle. Jim agrees saying it totally was, as plain as day.

Sam inquires as to how Jim can be so sure and Jim says there’s just no other way to explain it. The doctor’s can’t, because there’s a bullet in his heart and its pumping like a piston. Dean asks how Jim explains that. Jim tells the guys that honestly, he’s not a saint, and by no means the greatest dad either, but when the guy shot him and he didn’t bleed a drop he knew it was the Lord giving him a second chance.

Dean points out that its kind of like angels are watching out for Jim, and Jim nods and says that he wouldn’t expect them the Winchesters to understand. Dean says they’ll try and Sam interjects asking if Jim happened to swing by a crossroad in the last week or so. Jim answers no, and Sam presses him, asking if Jim played a round of Let’s Make a deal? Jim asks Sam just what would he make a deal for and the Winchesters share a glance. It’s clear Jim doesn’t know anything and Dean thanks Jim for his time.

Int. Griffith House - Cole’s Bedroom – Day

Mara Griffith, 40’s, stands in the middle of the messy room, completely anguished. Mara calls out to Cole, and says that his father thinks she’s crazy for coming in the room like this but she just can’t help feel as if her son is still here. Mara stares down at her hands, and a soccer ball starts to slowly spin on the shelf.

Mara stares at the ball and screams when the ball flies off the shelf and whizzes just past her head. She runs out of the room, through Sam and Dean who are standing in the doorway. Sam and Dean look into the room and see Cole, standing on his bed, angrily flinging objects at them. (not his mother). Dean ducks, clearly impressed.

Dean asks Cole how he does that, but Cole demands to know who they are and tells the boys to stay back. Sam tells Cole to relax and that its okay. Cole asks how they know his name. Sam says that it isn’t going to be easy to hear, but Cole is dead and he’s a spirit, but they are spirits too.

Cole thanks Sammy the ghost whisperer and tells them that he knows he’s dead. Sam says that they just want to talk, and Cole asks about what.

Int. Griffith House – Kitchen/Den – Day

Mara is shakily pouring a drink at the kitchen counter. She puts the bottle down and leans over the sink, starting to cry. From the den, Cole, Dean and Sam watch her. After a moment they turn away.

Cole says that he was playing outside all morning and he’s supposed to be careful when its cold. Dean interjects that cold air can cause an asthma attack and Cole shrugs. Cole tells the boys that he was in his room and his throat closed so fast. He called for his mom but nothing came out and then everything started spinning and then, he was just standing there looking down at his body.

Sam asks Cole if somebody came after him. Cole admits that a freaky old guy in a black suit wanted him to go with, but he didn’t want to go. Sam asks how Cole got rid of him and Cole says that he didn’t, but the black smoke did. Dean asks what Cole means by black smoke and Cole says that it was everywhere and he hid in the closet, and when he came out the smoke was gone and so was the old man.

Dean questions if Cole happened to see where the smoke went, and Cole says that he doesn’t but he knows where it is. The lights flicker and Cole is clearly frightened. He tells the brother’s that they are back. Dean asks who’s back, but Cole suddenly flickers and disappears.

Sam calls out for Cole and the front door swings open, a rush of wind blows into the room. Sam and Dean turn to the door.

Int. Griffith House – Day

Cole lies on his bed, staring absently at the ceiling. Mara packs a box full of Cole’s stuff. Tessa shows up at his door. She smiles warmly and asks if she can come in. Cole sits up and Tessa sits on the bed next to him. He sees Dean hanging back in the hallways and shakes his head. Cole tells Dean to tell Sam thanks for nothing. Dean’s not sure how to react to that.

Tessa tells Cole to look at his mom, ‘cause she can feel him. Cole rhetorically asks why Tessa thinks he’s going anywhere. Tessa hesitates and then asks if Cole ever lost something that he really loved. As long as his mom can feel him, she’s always be in pain. Cole stares at his mom for a long moment then quietly asks why no one will tell him what’s on the other side.

Tessa strokes his hair and tells him that maybe nobody wants to ruin the surprise. Cole tells her that’s not an answer. Dean steps forward, and tells Cole that Tessa can’t answer. Reapers never do, but he’s gotta know that staying is a lot worse than anything Cole would find over there.

Cole asks why, and Dean says that one days Cole’s family is going to be gone, and there’s gonna be nothing left but fear and loneliness. Dean says that he knows it feels wrong, but it’s the right thing. Cole points out that Dean’s a ghost and asks if he’s coming to.

Dean replies that sooner than Cole thinks. Then tells him that its okay to be scared, because everybody’s scared. Cole mulls it over and Tessa smiles warmly at him, holding out her arms for an embrace. Cole takes one last look at Dean, then embraces Tessa.

Int. Funeral Home – Night

Sam and Dean enter to see Tessa and Jacob, another reaper, unconscious in the middle of the room. They are surrounded by an ornate reaper trap laid on the floor. A Demon Minion stands guard his back to Sam and Dean. The boys share a glance, then disappear. And suddenly are right behind the minion. Dean taps him on the shoulder. The Demon turns and Dean slaps him in the face.

The demon recovers and swings at Dean but his arm goes right through him. Sam and Dean smile at him almost in pity, then disappear again. The demon spins to look for them, and Sam reappears and cracks him in the jaw. The demon stumbles back, Dean reappears and punches him in the stomach. The demon rolls into a corner and Dean and Sam box him in. Dean says that this is fun and the brothers step forward to finish the Minion off when a second Minion appears behind them, and drags an iron chain from one wall to the other as the first demon dives through the opening just as the gap is closed.

Int. Funeral Home – Night

Alistair is eerily calm as the First Deon enters holding two shotguns and hands one to him. The boys watch warily. Alistair states that he hates topside more than anything. He keeps getting sent back because Sam and Dean keep pulling his chain and he’s upset over it.

A gun shot resounds as Alistair shoots Sam and Dean with rock salt shells. Dean calls Alistair a bastard for that and Alistair quips that rock salt just ain’t as much fun for Sam and Dean these days. Sam takes a step forward, but he’s totally without his powers and Alistair knows this. He taunts Sam to try his mojo on him, and states that its kind of hard without his meat, ain’t it?

Dean throws a wth look to Sam and Sam tells Alistair to go to Hell. Alistiar smiles and shoots them again. He hands the empty shotgun to the first Demon. And Alistair asks if they really thought they could waltz in here and stop the seal, stop Lucifer, because none of this can be stopped.

Dean points out that Alastair can kill death, and Alistair smiles and pulls out a rusty ancient hand-scythe and tells the brothers he can with this. Dean snipes that the scythe is a little cliché. Alistair asks if that’s really true because an old friend of his sent it to him, and you know he rides a pale horse and has three amigos just jonesing for the apocalypse.

Alistair tucks the scythe away and takes the second shotgun from his minion. He tells the Winchesters that it pays to have friends in low places. He pumps a bullet into the chamber but before he can shoot, Dean tell Alistair to look at him. Dean states that he knows Alistair more than most anybody in the world and he swears he’s gonna kill him.

Alistair says that’s funny coming from the guy who started all of this. Dean asks what that means but Alistair just smiles and shoots them again. The boys shake it off and Sam snorts. Alistair asks just what Sam finds funny. Sam says that he may be able to kill death, but Alistair can’t kill them. Alistair asks if they really think that’s the case.

Int. Motel Room – Same Time

Pamela desperately gropes to find Sam and Dean’s bodies, she’s terrified. Suddenly, a shadow steps behind her, deliberate. It’s a demon, black eyes and all, watching her with a smile on his face. Pamela leans over Sam, and begins whispering urgently into his ear, just as the Demon attacks, dragging Pamela violently away from Sam to the middle of the room. Pamela screams out in attack and kicks the demon, punching, and effectively knocking him on his heels. She lunges back at Sam to finish what she’s started.

Fonte: Supernaturaltv.

view post Posted on 13/2/2009, 12:35

Qualcuno sa perchè questo episodio andrà in onda un mese dopo "Sex & Violence"?
view post Posted on 21/2/2009, 07:05

Just mine

Dam Fans
Lawrence (Kansas)


Promo video:

view post Posted on 22/2/2009, 15:18

Oddio O_O Dean versione infernale...e Cas che dice "he's doing God's jog" O_O come si fa ad aspettare fino al 12 per un episodio del genere????

E Dean va anche a finire in ospedale.......sembra un episodio davvero bello!
view post Posted on 9/3/2009, 21:01

come si fa ad aspettare fino al 12 per un episodio del genere????

Il 12???? Perchè io avevo capito che Supernatural sarebbe ricominciato il 5? Dove caspita ho letto questa data???? Sto andando in astinenza....
view post Posted on 13/3/2009, 13:49

Anche io sapevo per il 5 ma poi hanno posticipato.
Ho appena finito di vedere l'episodio ed è stato davvero bello!
Non ho capito bene alla fine Pamela cosa ha detto a Sam prima di morire, ma Sam è rimasto sconvolto e come al solito non ha detto nulla di nulla a Dean!!!!!

E Tessa, sono felice di averla rivista perchè mi era piaciuta tanto nel primo episodio della seconda serie! E le cose che ha detto a Dean "You know in the deep of you that something nasty is coming on the road and you know that there's no such things like miracles" e poi è sparita!
Non vedo l'ora dell'episodio del prossimo Giovedì!

Però scusate... ma il promo non era dell'episodio allora... ma della parte di serie che resta.
view post Posted on 13/3/2009, 21:13

Sai che non mi ricordo chi è Tessa? Domani guardo l'episodio
view post Posted on 14/3/2009, 16:57

Era la morte che gli dava la caccia nell'ospedale nel primo episodio della seconda serie.
view post Posted on 14/3/2009, 21:23

Yes, ricordo! Ho visto stamattina la puntata e devo dire che mi è piaciuta molto!

CITAZIONE (HahaYou'reDead @ 13/3/2009, 13:49)
Non ho capito bene alla fine Pamela cosa ha detto a Sam prima di morire, ma Sam è rimasto sconvolto e come al solito non ha detto nulla di nulla a Dean!!!!!

Se non ho capito male (o meglio se chi ha fatto i sottotitoli li ha tradotti bene) gli ha detto (all'incirca) che sa cosa ha fatto al demone e che anche se Sam pensa di averlo fatto a fin di bene deve ripensarci e non usare più i suoi poteri....

Povera Pamela, mi è dispiaciuto per lei, certo che da quando ha incontrato i ragazzi Winchester.....
Cmq come ho già detto mi è piaciuta come puntata, appassionante al punto giusto, mi sono divertita molto nella scena quando Sam e Dean imparano a spostare gli oggetti oppure quando le prendono dal ragazzino.
Un po' mi ha dato fastidio il comportamento iniziale che Dean ha nei confronti del fratello. Certo è normale visto il modo in cui la trama si sta evolvendo però.... non so come spiegarlo, lascia una strana sensazione....
view post Posted on 15/3/2009, 17:11

wow ke puntatone mi è piaciuto troppo!!!! tr divertente la scena d qnd cole li mena XDDDDD cmq la frase di pamela alla fine mi ha messo tr angoscia... e a me sam che usa i poteri mi piace tr ^^
cmq si, povera pamela... beh cmq mi è piaciuto molto rivedere tessa^^
view post Posted on 16/3/2009, 20:51

hahaha il bimbo ke nn sa ki è miaghi!!! ehh sì un'altra generazione...

cmq, a qst punto cs può fare dean ke gli angeli nn possono fare in qst battaglia???? insomma il motivo x cui lo hanno tirato fuori dall'inferno...
e concordo, sammy deve smetterla d usare i suoi poteri!!!
11 replies since 6/12/2008, 07:05   210 views