4x07 It's The Great Pumpkin, Sam Winchester

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view post Posted on 3/9/2008, 05:09

Just mine

Dam Fans
Lawrence (Kansas)


Ecco i personaggi minori che appariranno in questo episodio:

Slutty Nurse
Fat Kid
Meredith Wallace
Luke Wallace
Don Harding

view post Posted on 5/9/2008, 05:35

Just mine

Dam Fans
Lawrence (Kansas)


Ecco un riassunto dei sides resi noti:

Int. Suburban House-Basement-Night

Tracy, in a cheerleader uniform, and Jenny, in a sexy costume, both around 17, are standing over a metal tub, chatting up Derek from the golf team. Derek says that bobbing for apples is lame, and Tracy eggs him on saying that it’s Halloween. Derek stands by his previous statement and Tracy throws Jenny a look before taking a step toward Derek, tossing her back, opening her mouth wide and diving out of view.

Tracy whips back up a second later, face wet, hair damp and a red apple clenched in her teeth. She’s better at making this look like fun than any beer commercial model. Derek changes his mind.

Tracy takes a bite out of her apple and smiles at Derek. Jenny edges to the tub, kneels down and takes a deep breath before diving under water. She blinks then lunges at the apples. She tries for one, then another, but its way harder than it looks. She runs out of breath, and tries to pull her head of the tub, but instead looks puzzled.

Tracy takes another bite out of her apple as she watches, and Derek comments on how long Jenny is holding her breath. Tracy nods, then Jenny’s hands fly across the edge of the tub and she pushes against it, her legs scuff the floor. Tracy calls out to her friend, dropping to her knees and grabbing one of Jenny’s arms and pulls.

Tracy begs Derek to help her, and Derek grabs Jenny’s other arm. They throw their weight against the tub, but Jenny doesn’t budge, and the water starts to bubble. Jenny is face down in boiling water, she screams in agony as she’s boiled alive.

Derek backs away asking what is going on. Jenny’s legs kick, her arms flail and Tracy’s crying as she struggles to wrap her arms around her friend. Then the water stops, and Jenny’s body goes limp.

Tracy’s still sobbing as she pulls her friend out of the tub and turns her over. Derek turns and pukes as Jenny’s puffed, red, frozen in scream face is seen.

Int. Suburban House—Basement-Night

There are police strobe lights coming in through the window. Sam and Dean enter in their Fed suits. Dean eyes Tracy, wrapped in a blanket being questions and tells Sam he’ll take this one. Sam says he’s got two words for Dean and they are ‘jail bait’. Dean feigns offense that Sam would suggest such a thing and Sam moves into the room as Dean approaches Tracy.

Tracy’s mid-telling her story to the cops, and Dean overhears her say that its just so weird cause the water wasn’t hot. She’d just been in there herself. Dean interrupts asking if Jenny knew a man named Luke Wallace.

Tracy and the Police officer look at Dean and Dean flashes his badge introducing himself as Agent Seger, with the FBI. Tracy asks who Luke is and Dean says that Luke died last night. Tracy says she doesn’t know him.

Dean looks across the room to Sam pushing the couch back against the wall, carefully holding up another hex bag.

Int. High School—Art Classroom-Day

A dozen or so bizarre masks are hanging from the ceiling on fishing line. Sam and Dean, clad in their FBI suits, look up at the display and startle when a 40’s something art teacher named Don Harding approaches asking rhetorically if Sam and Dean wanted to see him.

Sam and Dean flash their fake badges and Sam double checks Mr. Harding’s identity. Mr. Harding tells Sam to call him Don, because even his students call him Don. Dean could care less, and introduces himself as Agent Geddy and Sam as Agent Lee, then informs the teacher that they have questions regarding Tracy Davis.

Don says Tracy was a bright girl with loads of talent and it’s a shame she was suspended. Dean interjects that he’s heard Tracy and Don had a violent altercation. Don states that Tracy tried to claw his eyes out.

Sam asks why, but Don merely shrugs and says that Tracy just went off when he tried to talk with her about her work since it had all became inappropriate and disturbing. Dean looks back up at the ceiling and asks if it was more disturbing than the masks.

Don says that Tracy had covered pages with cryptic symbols and detailed images of killing, even go so far as to depict herself in the middle of the action, participating. Sam asks what kind of symbols were drawn and does a rough sketch of the amulet he and Dean had found in a hex bag.

Don says that Sam’s drawing was like one in Tracy’s art and Dean questions if the teacher knows where Tracy is now. Don says he imagines Tracy’s at her apartment. Don goes on to state that Tracy came to town about a year ago completely alone as an emancipated teen. So only God could know how her parents were.

Ext. Park – Dusk

Uriel and Mark are sitting on a park bench watching the people as they pass. Most are children in costume, led by their parents. Mark says that the decision has been made. Uriel comments that he thinks the man is an ape. Mark chides that Uriel shouldn’t call him that. Uriel continues saying that’s what he is, nothing more than a savage, plumbing on two legs. Mark warns that Uriel shouldn’t talk like that, because that’s close to blasphemy.

Mark goes on to say that there is a reason they came to this town. He has potential and may succeed here. Uriel says that they will all be just one more step closer to disaster. Mark comments that it doesn’t matter because its out of their hands.

Uriel says it doesn’t have to be, they could drag everyone’s asses out of this place, blow the insignificant prick off the map. Mark tells Uriel that they know their orders, and is he willing to disobey?

Int. Teacher’s House—Basement-Continuous

Don, the art teacher is speaking Gaulish in front of an altar covered in symbols. There’s a muffled scream from a bound and gagged Tracy. She struggles against her bonds trying to twist free. Don finishes his incantion.

Lifting an iron knife from the altar, Don carries it to Tracy. She screams as Don traces the knife along her neck, and keeps chanting. Don makes a slice along Tracy’s clavicle and raises a silver cup to the cut, and the blood streaming from it.

Suddenly, a loud banging echoes through the basement. Don spins, then three gaping bleeding holes appear on his chest as he falls to the floor. Sam and Dean enter, guns drawn. Sam moves to Don, and checks his pulse.

Sam tells Dean that Don is dead, and Dean removes the gag from Tracy. Tracy thanks Dean profusely as Dean cuts through her wrist ropes. Tracy shakes off the rest of her bonds.

Tracy calls Don a sick sonofabitch and asks if Dean and Sam saw what he was doing, or heard how sloppy his incantation was. Sam and Dean are more than a little confused so Tracy clears it up, informing the Winchesters that her brother always was a little dim.

Tracy goes on to say that she was supposed to be the final sacrifice, totally Don’s idea, but now that honor gets to go to Don. It all makes sense to our Winchester boys and they realize that Tracy’s a witch too. But before they can draw their guns on her, Tracy raises her arms and takes aim toward the boys.

Sam and Dean collapse, writhing on the floor under the pain of dozens of supernatural knives rip through them. Tracy moves to Don, stands over him. She taunts her dead brother and says the spellwork is a two man job and for six hundred years she had to live and deal with Don. It was unbearable and she loves that Sam and Dean took Don out with a gun.

Tracy stoops down, swiping the cup from her brother’s dead hand and starts collecting blood from Don’s wounds. Tracy states that the third sacrifice has been made, and the ritual’s almost complete. Don’s toast and she owes the Winchester’s one.

Tracy rises, the sound of children’s laughter drawing her attention to the window. She peers out the window and sees the trick-or-treaters outside. She comments that back in the day this was a night you kept your children inside and tonight everyone will see what Halloween really is.

Tracy moves to the altar, passing the boys still in pain on the floor. Tracy tells them not to die on her, not yet. Samhain will be starving when he arrives. Tracy begins the last part of the ritual.

Sam edges toward the dead teach and dips his hands in the pool of the blood, smearing it on his face. Dean asks what the hell his brother is doing and Sam tells him to just follow his lead. Dean drags himself over to the corpse and covers his face in blood.

Tracy’s eyes close as she completes the ritual. A howling wind barrels through the house, Tracy’s eyes open, estastic with anticipation. The floorboards tremor as black smoke seeps through and erupts into the room, forming a twister like effect as it pours into the body of Don. He’s the vessel. Don’s body stirs and he staggers to his feet, opening his eyes. He tips his head back and samples the air.

Tracy moves toward Samhain arms outstretched. Samhain reaches for her, and Tracy smiles as he touches her face, then kisses her. Samhain comments that Tracy’s aged. There’s fear and embarrassment on Tracy’s face as she admits that even with this mask she can’t fool him.

Samhain says that her beauty is beyond time. Tracy relaxes and leans into Samhain’s touch. Then, he snaps her neck. Tracy falls to the floor dead.

Samhain moves to the stairs nearing Sam and Dean. The Winchesters are lying motionless on the floor, covered in corpse blood and not even breathing. Samhain stops, stands over the boys for a long second, sniffing the air and peering down at them. The brother’s are blurry, misshapen and bloody in Samhain’s viewpoint, and he decides them dead, then continues up the stairs.

Int. Motel Room- Day

Sam is packing up the room. Books, computer and clothes thrown into a suitcase. There’s a knock on the door, Sam opens it. Uriel stands in the doorway.

Uriel asks if the anniversary of Jessica’s death is tomorrow. Sam ain’t liking the line of questioning and Uriel returns saying that he knows its difficult for Sam, but that doesn’t give Sam a right to run around exorcising his kind. Sam asks just what Uriel is referring to.

Uriel clarifies saying that Sam was told not to interfere. Sam doesn’t look one bit scared when he tells Uriel that the demon would’ve killed him and his brother, everyone. Uriel repeats himself and Sam can’t even bring himself to finish the thought that those demons could’ve gotten loose in the town.

Uriel gazes out the window, and tells Sam that the younger Winchester has been warned, twice now. Sam’s annoyed and says that Dean was right when he called Uriel a dick.

Uriel grabs Sam by the collar and tells him that the only reason he’s still alive is ‘cause he stayed out of their way, but that is no longer true if Sam becomes more trouble than he’s worth. All it takes it one word and Uriel will turn him to dust. As for Dean, Uriel tells Sam to ask Dean just what he remembers from Hell. Just ask him.

Uriel lets Sam go and walks to the door, smirking at Sam before he leaves.

Fonte: Supernaturaltv.
view post Posted on 5/9/2008, 18:08

Che strano titolo! :?:

view post Posted on 5/9/2008, 20:25

Qualcuno può farmi un breve riassunto? Thanks!!!
view post Posted on 9/9/2008, 05:28

Just mine

Dam Fans
Lawrence (Kansas)


There are angels everywhere on TV right now, and specifically, we'll be meeting two angels this season on Supernatural, but they aren't pretty babies like the ones on your refrigerator magnet: Castiel and his partner Uriel are badass seraphim. Imagine Julian McMahon with wings...Both characters will be recurring, but look for more trouble from Uriel, who is not a fan of the human race in general and who doesn't want Sam and Dean succeeding in particular.

Fonte: E!Online
view post Posted on 13/9/2008, 06:07

Just mine

Dam Fans
Lawrence (Kansas)


Questo è Robert Wisdom che interpreterà il personaggio di Uriel, un essere soprannaturale tra l'angelico e il demoniaco che darà filo da torcere soprattutto a Dean. Sarà un personaggio ricorrente della quarta stagione di Supernatural:

view post Posted on 13/9/2008, 16:37

Mah... non sono per niente eccitata all'idea degli Angeli, speriamo la gestiscano bene questa storia. Voglio dire: pensare ai Winchester con dio dalla loro parte (anche se attraverso i suoi "agenti" angelici) toglie pathos alla situazione, insomma con dio dalla propria parte è tutto più facile no? Non mi piacciono le cose facili, specialmente per i Winchester, li amo, ma voglio ostacoli, dramma e sangue.

Ribadisco che cmq ho fiducia in Kripke e voglio sperare che gestirà la cosa in maniera non scontata...

Cmq, ripensando al bell'aspetto di Castiel potrei anche essere tentata di convertirmi! :P

view post Posted on 14/10/2008, 17:21

Just mine

Dam Fans
Lawrence (Kansas)


Andate qui per vedere le promo stills di questo episodio. ;)
view post Posted on 22/10/2008, 05:34

Just mine

Dam Fans
Lawrence (Kansas)


Metto le scans di un articolo di TV Guide che parla di questo episodio in uno spoiler perchè sono immagini grandi.

SPOILER (click to view)

view post Posted on 24/10/2008, 05:22

Just mine

Dam Fans
Lawrence (Kansas)


Ecco il promo di questo episodio:

view post Posted on 25/10/2008, 05:31

Just mine

Dam Fans
Lawrence (Kansas)


Andate qui per vedere tre clips di questo episodio. ;)
view post Posted on 27/10/2008, 16:57

Just mine

Dam Fans
Lawrence (Kansas)


Mancano pochi giorni ad Halloween e Sam e Dean indagano su due misteriose morti in una piccola città. Essi trovano dei sacchettini per il malocchio e deducono che una strega stia sacrificando delle persone per invocare un pericoloso demone chiamato Samhain. Castiel arriva in città e dice a Sam e a Dean che la liberazione di Samhain è uno dei Sigilli che porterà alla liberazione di Lucifero. Castiel, per questo motivo, ha chiamato un angelo "specialista" chiamato Uriel per attaccare l'intera città.

view post Posted on 29/10/2008, 14:41

Just mine

Dam Fans
Lawrence (Kansas)


Eric Kripke parla di questo episodio:

view post Posted on 1/12/2008, 14:23

angeli guerrieri... neanke castiel è molto convinto della sua missione... e ora è pure arrivato uriel a rompere i cojones + del dovuto!

è davvero una faccenda seria quella di lucifero...

e sam è davvero potente se ha sconfitto quel demone, nn riesco ad immaginare qnt possa esserne preoccupato dean...
13 replies since 3/9/2008, 05:09   916 views