3x15 Time Is On My Side

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view post Posted on 19/3/2008, 08:19

Just mine

Dam Fans
Lawrence (Kansas)


Per ora, di questo episodio, è stato reso noto soltanto l'elenco dei personaggi che vi compariranno:

Young Bela
Doc Benton
School Girl

Edit: il titolo di questo episodio è Time Is On My Side.

Edited by Aisha81 - 19/3/2008, 13:25
view post Posted on 19/3/2008, 08:51

mmmm mi sa che in questo episodio vedremo cosa è successo a Bela da piccola e perchè ha ucciso qualcuno della sua famiglia (come si era capito dall'episodio 3x06) Speriamo che i ragazzi riescano a rubargli la colt!
uffi....io pero speravo che questo episodio fosse incentrato sul segreto di mary in attesa del grande finale! vabbè è ancora presto per dirlo, ma mi sa che dai personaggi indicati me ne dovrò fare una ragione....sigh sigh
view post Posted on 19/3/2008, 17:51

Senior Member



Anche io speravo che fosse su Mary...Però questo mi fa ben sperare...Se lasciano in sospeso il fatto di Mary significa che almeno il patto lo finiranno qui...Nel senso che ce lo salvano! Troppo ottimista eh?
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view post Posted on 19/3/2008, 17:55

secondo me non vogliono tirare in ballo mary perchè vogliono affrontare la questione con più calma nella prossima stagione

può essere una cosa positiva
view post Posted on 24/3/2008, 08:13

Just mine

Dam Fans
Lawrence (Kansas)



Ci inoltreremo ancora di più nel patto di Dean col Diavolo, perchè la sua anima è prossima ad essere consegnata [rivela Eric Kripke]. Jared Padalecki aggiunge: Sam proverà nuovi e diversi metodi per tentate di salvare Dean. Nel terzo episodio (cioè questo, partendo dal primo -dopo lo hiatus- che sarà mandato in onda il 24 aprile) penso che ci troveremo ad una settimana alla fine della vita di Dean e ci sforzeremo di arrivare al traguardo e di battere questo patto che sta' per concludersi.

Fonte: Entertainment Weekly.
supernatural girl <3
view post Posted on 24/3/2008, 08:29

NUUUUUUUUU DEANNNNNN non morireeeeee :'(
beh x forza lo salveranno....PER FORZA! sennò mi impicco :buahh: :grr: :sigh:
view post Posted on 24/3/2008, 08:57

Mmmm.... chissà che nuovi modi proverà sam per salvare dean.... saranno cose da evilsam?
supernatural girl <3
view post Posted on 24/3/2008, 09:48

mhuahuahua lo vedremo superinca*****
view post Posted on 24/3/2008, 18:39

Senior Member



Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh me preoccupata tantissimo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! EvilSammy nooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Scusatemi ma a me piace Sammyno anche se purtroppo penso che non tornerà più Sammy ma sarà Sam o peggio...:( E soprattutto che non mi facciano morire lo strafigo perchè sclero!!! Una domanda, ma Bela a sto punto che centra???
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view post Posted on 3/4/2008, 06:08

Just mine

Dam Fans
Lawrence (Kansas)


Ecco i sides di questo episodio che sono stati resi, finora, noti:

Demon – Act I


Close on the face of a black-eyed demon as he’s splashed with holy water. He yowls in pain, smoke rising from his flesh…

DEMON: Stop!

Reveal the holy water was thrown by Dean Winchester, standing over the demon, serious as a heart attack. The demon’s tied to a chair, in the center of a painted devil’s trap on the dusty floor. They’re in a cobwebbed, boarded-up old farmhouse. Sam Winchester stands a short distance away, staring daggers.

DEAN: Ready to talk?

Dean steps closer to the demon. Holding the vial of holy water threateningly. The demon shrinks away.

DEMON: Stop – I don’t know! I don’t know anything!

DEAN: Hey, Sam, he doesn’t know anything.

SAM: Yeah, I heard.

DEAN: Do we believe him?

DEMON: I’m telling you the truth.

DEAN: Why is it always liars who say that?

And with that, Dean grabs the demon’s face and pours holy water into his mouth. The demon screams.

DEAN (cont’d): Now, one last time: who holds my contract?

The demon shakes off the pain. Meets Dean’s eyes. And lets the meek expression fall right off his face. He gives Dean a chilling smile.

DEMON: Screw you. That’s who.

Dean grabs both arms of the chair. Gets right in the demon’s face. Ice cold.

DEAN: I want. A name. So spill, or –

DEMON: Or what? You squirt that holy water in both ends? That’s a flea bite compared to what’s coming to me if I tell you jack. Do what you want – only thing I’m scared of is the demon holding your ticket.

Dean and Sam exchange a quick look. Sam steps forward.

SAM: Exorcizamus te, omnis immundus spiritus, omnis satanica…

At the sound of the Latin, the Demon twitches in agony.

DEAN: Feel good?

DEMON: Go ahead, send me back to hell. Please. ‘Cause when you get there, I’ll be waiting. With a few pals who can’t wait for a little home field advantage on Dean Winchester.

The Demon gives the brothers a ****-you grin.

Sam and Dean lock eyes. Clearly, Demon’s not going to talk.

SAM: Should I…

DEAN: Stick him where he can’t hurt anyone else.

Sam shoots Dean a grim look. Then –

SAM: Omnis satanica potestas, omnis incursio infernalis adversarii, omnis legio, omnis congregation, et secta diabolica, (etc etc…)

Push in on Dean as he watches his brother exorcise the Demon. He struggles to get on top of his frustration, worry, anger – because time is running out, and he’s no closer to an answer.

Victim's sides.


Dean talks with the victim, a 30-something guy who is, as you might expect, deeply traumatized – and adamant about it.

VICTIM: I told the cop who came here yesterday. Do not make me talk about this again.

DEAN: Just a couple of questions.

VICTIM: Man, I just got my kidney stolen. I’m tired.

DEAN: I’ll be quick. Do you want to get this guy?

VICTIM: Will it get back my kidney?

DEAN: What’s the last thing you remember?

VICTIM: Feeding my meter.

Victim shakes head at the ridiculousness of that.

VICTIM (cont’d): I get jumped from behind… wake up strapped to a table. And then… the worst pain you can possibly imagine, only worse. Then I black out again, thank God. And I wake up screaming in some no-tell motel in a bathtub full of ice.

DEAN: Do you remember anything about the surgery? What the guy looked like, any details about the room?

Victim stares at Dean, incredulous.

VICTIM: Let me think about that… yeah, one thing is coming back to me. You know what it is? GETTING MY KIDNEY CUT OUT OF MY BODY.

Dean considers this. Finally, he nods.

DEAN: Thanks for your time sir.

view post Posted on 3/4/2008, 09:07

sembra molto interessante *__*

grazie aisha
view post Posted on 3/4/2008, 09:54

Just mine

Dam Fans
Lawrence (Kansas)


CITAZIONE (Elerel @ 3/4/2008, 10:07)
sembra molto interessante *__*

grazie aisha

Prego Elerel! ^_^
Si, credo anch'io che sarà una puntata strepitosa... :occhioni:
view post Posted on 4/4/2008, 06:19

e dopo i dialoghi postati da aisha ecco un riassunto di qualche scena!!!!!

Time is on my Side

Int. Hospital—Victim’s Room—Continuous

Dean is talking with a 30-something guy, who is deeply traumatized about the fact that he just got his kidney stolen. Dean says he’ll be quick and points out that the ‘cops’ just want to get this guy. The Victim asks if it’ll get back his kidney and Dean ignores the question asking what the guy last remembers.

The Victim says that he remembers feeding the meter then getting jumped from behind. He woke up strapped to a table only to experience the most horrible pain imaginable and then blacking out again. He woke up screaming in some motel in a tub full of ice.

Dean asks if the victim remembers anything about the surgery, what the guy looked like, any room details. The Victim gives Dean a rather sarcastic reply and states yeah, he remembers getting his kidney getting cut out his body.

Dean considers this and then thanks the man for his time.

Int. Erie Motel—Day

Sam and Dean are talking while Sam does some computer work and Dean’s enjoying a burger. Sam says he’s got a theory and passes the laptop to Dean. On the screen a webpage of antique illustrations of surgical procedures are pulled up. Dean reads from the caption under one of the photos about suturing procedures.

Sam says that suture of choice in the early 19th century was silk, and apparently it was problematic—insane death rate. So then, people of course did whatever they could to stop the infection, one of which was maggots.

Dean winces at the thought since you know, he’s chowing down and Sam points out that the maggots actually worked, cause they eat the bad tissue. Dean reiterates that he’s eating and composes himself before taking another big bite out the burger.

Int. Abandoned Farmhouse—Night

A black-eyed demon howls in pain as he gets doused with Holy Water. Smoke rises from his burning flesh as he yells for it to stop. We realize that the Holy Water has been thrown by none other than Dean, who’s standing as serious as a damn heart attack staring down the demon.

Dean asks if the Demon is ready to talk, and Sam stands a short distance away, staring daggers of his own. Dean steps closer, holding the water in threat and the demon shrinks back in terror. He asks Dean to stop, because he doesn’t know anything.

Dean sarcastically tells his brother that the demon doesn’t know anything and Sam replies that yeah, he heard. Dean asks Sam if they believe the demon, and the demon says that he’s telling the truth. Dean comments on the fact that its always liars who say that.

With that, Dean grabs the Demon by the chin and forces the Holy Water into the it’s mouth. The demon’s screams barely cover Dean’s question of who holds his contract.
The demon shakes off the pain and shrugs off the meek expression sending a chilling smile Dean’s way.

The demon tells Dean to screw off, and Dean, well, Dean doesn’t like that at all. Dean says that he wants a name and the demon will spill or--.

The demon cuts Dean off and asks just what he’s going to do ‘cause pouring holy water in both ends is a flea bite compared to what is coming if the demon tells the Winchester’s anything. He tells them to do what they want, but this demon is scared of the one holding Dean’s ticket.

Sam and Dean exchange a look, and Sam steps in with the Latin. The Demon twitches but tells Dean to go right on ahead, and send him back to hell cause he’ll be waiting with a few pals that can’t wait for the home field advantage.

Sam and Dean looks eyes ‘cause its clear the demon ain’t gonna give ‘em anything and Sam asks Dean if he should continue, aware of the threat’s severity. Dean tells his brother to stick the demon where he can’t hurt anyone else. Sam shoots Dean a grim look, but goes to finish the exorcism.

Dean watches his brother finish the exorcism, his frustration and fear barely contained. Time’s running out, and he’s no closer to an answer.

Int. Abandoned House—Night

The body’s been removed and Sam’s on the phone pretending to be a cop. He’s playing it cool, but whatever’s being said on the other line clearly has his attention. Sam rhetorically asks if the ran the prints twice and if they are sure.

Dean enters the house, sweat and dirt all over him. Sam continues his phone convo and tells the guy to just chalk it up to lab error cause it happens sometimes. He thanks the man and says that he will call the chief.

When Sam hangs up, he turns to Dean and asks if Dean burned the body. Dean says he did, and asks if that was like the tenth guy in a row with no pulse. He states its like the demons ride these people hard just for kicks.

Sam shakes his head. It’s a shame, and pockets his cell phone. Dean asks what Sam was talking about on the phone. Sam asks Dean if he remembers the think in the paper yesterday. Dean asks if it’s the stripper suffocating a dude with her thighs article and Sam says no, it’s the thing he showed Dean.
view post Posted on 15/4/2008, 06:19

Just mine

Dam Fans
Lawrence (Kansas)



Dean parla con una vittima (un ragazzo) a cui è stato rimosso un rene mentre era sveglio. I fratelli interrogano un demone che potrebbe sapere chi possiede il contratto sull'anima di Dean. Invece di collaborare, il demone li schernisce prima di essere esorcizzato, dicendo di non vedere l'ora di avere il vantaggio di potersi muovere su un terreno a lui familiare (l'Inferno) contro uno dei Winchester.
view post Posted on 15/4/2008, 09:30

oh porca vacca!! nn vedo l'ora di vaderlo questo episodio!!!
48 replies since 19/3/2008, 08:19   952 views