3x10 Dream A Little Dream Of Me

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view post Posted on 11/10/2007, 16:27

Bobby cade in un coma incurabile, Sam e Dean faranno di tutto per salvare il loro amico. Scoprono, infatti che è opera di un killer che è entrato nella testa di Bobby attraverso i sogni. I due fratelli dovranno entrare nella mente di bobby, scoprendo particolari e situazioni del suo passato.

informazione presa dal sito ufficiale del Forum http://robb19y.altervista.org/
view post Posted on 11/10/2007, 16:54

Just mine

Dam Fans
Lawrence (Kansas)


Anche questa sembra una puntatona! :o:
Un killer che colpisce le sue vittime attraverso i loro sogni... E' davvero interessante... :o:
*E' preoccupata per la salute di Bobby* :?:
view post Posted on 11/10/2007, 17:17

secondo me sarà stupenda, anche perchè bobby ed ellen sono le spalle che preferisco negli episodi!

e mi spiace che non ci siano più jo ed ash :(
view post Posted on 13/10/2007, 09:09

Just mine

Dam Fans
Lawrence (Kansas)


L'episodio dovrebbe intitolarsi Dream A Little Dream Of Me ed è stato scritto da Sera Gamble e Cathryn Humphries e diretto da Steve Boyum.
Per ora, si sa che ci sarà questo personaggio:
Seth Frye, un ragazzo dalla chioma spettinata e scompigliata, forte nel pieno dei suoi venti anni, ed è uno studente; è il genere di ragazzo che non riesce a trovare e a mantenere un lavoro per molto tempo. Egli era coinvolto in uno studio sul sonno col Dottor Gregg, ora deceduto. Seth sembra il tipico ragazzo nella media ma Sam e Dean, in seguito, scoprono che Seth è un 'Maestro Zen Ninja del sogno' con notevoli e nefasti poteri...
view post Posted on 13/10/2007, 09:23

cambio il titolo :D

grazie per le informazioni :D
view post Posted on 13/10/2007, 11:09

Just mine

Dam Fans
Lawrence (Kansas)


CITAZIONE (Elerel @ 13/10/2007, 10:23)
cambio il titolo :D

grazie per le informazioni :D

Prego Elerel! La storia del Master Ninja mi piace molto... :ph34r:
view post Posted on 13/10/2007, 16:53

Bobby!!!!!!!!! :occhioni:
eccolo! questo è l'episodio in cui ci racconteranno il passato di Bobby! :occhioni:
non sto nella pelle!! :gh:
view post Posted on 15/10/2007, 11:43

Just mine

Dam Fans
Lawrence (Kansas)



Eric Kripke ha rivelato che, in questo episodio, Sam e Dean affronteranno un misterioso killer che colpisce le sue vittime nel sonno, attaccandole nei loro sogni. Il killer in questione, avrà l'aspetto di Jason di Friday the 13th (Venerdi Tredici), il famoso killer psicopatico, che indossava sempre una maschera da hockey.
Kripke ha anche aggiunto che hanno già acquistato i diritti per poter utilizzare questo personaggio nella serie, che verrà adattato alla storia di questo episodio.

Ecco Jason... :wacko:

view post Posted on 15/10/2007, 11:48

:buah: :buah:
praticamente un mix tra Friday the 13th e Nightmare.... O__________O
view post Posted on 15/10/2007, 15:28


Oh, sì...Me lo ricordo Venerdì 13...
ODDIO!!!!E' un film ke mi ha fatto MORIRE!!!! :buah:
view post Posted on 18/10/2007, 07:42

Just mine

Dam Fans
Lawrence (Kansas)


Ecco i sides del personaggio di Jeremy, che comparirà in questo episodio:

Sides For Episode 310 “Dream A Little Dream”

Sides For Jeremy

Dean: Unless you hand over the Doctor’s research to me. All of it.

Off Ms. Sanders, eyes narrowed, considering her options—

Int. Dorm Room-Day

Dean. Still in coat and tie. Still pretexting as a Detective. He interviews a Stoner, early 20’s. Jeremy.

He’s another Grad student, the kind that’s gonna put off getting a real job for as long as possible.

Jeremy: …look, man, I don’t care what the R.A. said, there’s absolutely no hydroponics on the premises.

Dean: Take it easy there, Phish, that’s not why I’m here.

Jeremy: Jeez. Thank God.

Dean: I wanted to ask you about Dr. Gregg’s sleep study.

Jeremy Dr. Gregg. He just died, right?

Dean: You were one of his test subjects?

Jeremy: Yeah.

Jeremy opens a mini fridge, pulls out two beers. Takes one, offers the other one to Dean.

Jeremy: Unless you’re on duty, or whatever.

Dean: I guess I can make an exception.

Dean takes the beer, takes a long, grateful pull.

Dean: So. The Doc was testing a treatment for… (flipping papers)
Charcot-Wilbrand syndrome. Which means…

Jeremy: I can’t dream. Bike accident when I was a kid, banged my head up pretty good. Haven’t been able to dream since. Well, till the study, I guess.

Dean: So what’d the Doc give you?

Jeremy: This yellow tea. Smelled awful, tasted worse.

Dean: And what’d it do…?

Jeremy: I passed right out. Had this vivid, super intense dream. It was like a bad acid trip, you know?

Dean: Totally. I mean…no.

Jeremy: I took it once, dropped out of the study right after. I didn’t like it. To tell you the truth—it kinda scared me.

The kid truly looks upset. Off Dean, taking this in—

Int. Hospital-Bobby’s Room-Day

On Dean. Lost in thought, as he sits by Bobby’s still form.

Sam appears in the door, holding a pile of research. Dean doesn’t notice. Sam takes a beat, watching his brother. Until—

Dean sees Sam. Collects himself, as Sam looks to Bobby.

Sam: How is he?

Dean: No change. (then) So whatcha got?

(pages skip)

Dean looks to Bobby, who slumps next to him, distraught.

Dean: Bobby. I’m telling you—all of this, your wife—it’s a nightmare. You’re dreaming.

Bobby: (devastated) I killed her.

Pound Pound!! The door has begun to splinter! Dean braces himself harder against it.

Dean: (stern, sharp) Bobby! Look at me!

Bobby turns, startled. Dean looks at him right in the eyes.

Dean: You gotta snap out of this. Now.

Bobby’s confused, upset. But he can hear the urgency in Dean’s voice, see it in his eyes.

Dean: You gotta listen to me. Please. (then, emotionally) I’m not gonna let you die, Bobby. You’re like a father to me.

Dean’s completely vulnerable; Bobby can see how much this means to him. Off this—

Ext. Bobby’s House-Day

Oof! Sam, already on the ground, is kicked in the gut—

By Jeremy. The seemingly harmless stoner. There’s something different in Jeremy’s expression. It’s not cold or evil, though. It’s vulnerable and damaged.

Sam: Who are you?

Jeremy: Who are you? You don’t belong here.

Sam: Look who’s talking. You’re inside my friend’s head.

Jeremy: You got poor choice in friends. He came after me. Tried to hurt me.

Sam: Yeah, because you’re hurting people.

Jeremy: I can do whatever I want. In here…I’m a God.

Jeremy kicks Sam again, while he’s down! Oof!

Int. Bobby’s House-Main Room-Day

Still, the pounding pocket doors—

Bobby: If I’m dreaming…why can’t I wake up?

Dean: My best guess—this nightmare’s got you trapped. Won’t let you out.

Bobby: So what do I do?

Dean: I think you gotta face it.

Dean looks…on the table he sees…a letter opener. Snags it, hands it to Bobby.

Bobby: No. No, I can’t. You can’t ask me to do that.

Wham! The door…Dean’s forceful--

Dean: Bobby, she’s gonna kill you, if you don’t fight your way out. (then) Now you gotta face it.

Bobby stares at Dean, thinking it over. A long beat. Then… he nods. Steels himself. Grips the letter opener—

Then throws open the door! Revealing—it’s empty. Bobby’s wife is gone!

(pages skip)

Sam: Dean!!

Int. Impala-Parked-Woods-Night

Sam snaps awake with a gasp! He takes in his surroundings. He’s back in the Impala. He must’ve woken up. He looks—Dean is asleep next to him, face turned away. (And we should use Jensen for this shot).

Sam gently rouses him.

Sam: Dean. Dean, wake up…

When Dean turns—and it’s not Dean at all! It’s Jeremy! Sam’s still dreaming! Jeremy swings a bat into Sam!

Sam pitches forward, wind knocked out of him.

Sam opens the passenger side door…stumbles out onto the ground, badly wounded. The Limp!Sam girls go wild!

Jeremy lets him. Enjoying this. Jeremy climbs out the driver’s side, circles around, standing over Sam.

Jeremy Boy. You just can’t leave well enough alone, can you?

Sam: (gasping for air) Maybe that’s because you’re a stark raving psycho.

Jeremy: That’s not true.

Sam: Tell that to Dr. Gregg.

Jeremy: Dr. Gregg got me hooked on this stuff, then he cut me off! (like a junkie) But I needed it. I can dream again. You know what it’s like, not to be able to dream?

Sam: Like I said. Psycho.

Jeremy: Talk tough all you want. But you and your brother…you’re not waking up. No one gets outta here alive. I’ll make sure of it.

Suddenly, Sam (who was half-sitting) falls back to the dirt—as if from an invisible force…Ouch!

Sam struggles, but he can’t move…his wrists and ankles are (from out of nowhere!) tied with thick rope, bound to stakes.

Jeremy stands over him. Smiles.

Int. Motel-Bobby’s Room-Night-Dean’s Dream

Dean is getting more and more upset, as Dream Dean continues to taunt him. Still circling each other.

Dream Dean: I mean, you’re going to hell…and you won’t lift a finger to stop it? Talk about low self-esteem. Then again, it’s not much of a life worth saving, I suppose. (then) I mean, you’ve got nothing, outside of Sam. You are nothing. You’re as mindless and obedient as an attack dog.

Dean: That’s not true.

Dream Dean: No? Tell me, Dean…what are the things you want? What are the things you dream? (beat) I mean, the car—that’s Dad’s. Your favorite leather jacket-Dad’s. Your music—Dad’s. Do you even have an original thought? (then) No. All there is, is “Watch out for your Sammy. Take care of your little brother, boy!” (beat) That’s right. You can still hear Dad’s voice, can’t you? Clear as a bell.

(pages skip)

A spent Dean stands over Dream Dean. Staring at His own corpse. But then—

Dream Dean jerks up!!! He looks up at Dean. Blinks. And we see—His eyes are demon black!

Dream Dean: You can’t escape me, Dean. You’re going to die. And this—this is what you’re gonna become.

Off Dean’s look of horror—backing away—

Ext. Woods-Night-Dean’s Dream

Wham! Wham! Jeremy is taking his time, beating a bound Sam with the bat. In the leg. In the arm. Enjoying Sam’s pain. (The Limp!Sam fans enjoy it too)

Close on Sam. Trying to ignore the terrible pain. Concentrating. Thinking. Focusing.

Sam: (to himself) Come on…come on…

We see subliminal flashes over Sam’s close up, so we understand what he’s concentration on: Bobby. The sketch of the Dream Root plant. The photo of Jeremy’s father.

Meanwhile, Jeremy readies for the death blow.

Jeremy: You can’t stop me. There’s nothing I can’t do in here.

Sam: Because of the dream root.

Jeremy: That’s right.

Sam: Well you’re forgetting something.

Jeremy: What’s that?

Sam looks up. A real hero moment—

Sam: I took the dream root, too.

Jeremy’s Dad: (O.S.) Jeremy! Jeremy!

Jeremy pivots, terrified. His worst nightmare—

Sure enough, it’s Jeremy’s Dad. Drunken, abusive, angry.

The bat slips from Jeremy’s hands…lands in the dirt…


Jeremy’s Dad: You answer me when I’m talking to you, boy!!

Jeremy, terrified, backs away from him…into Sam. Who’s now standing. And holding the bat—

Jeremy pivots into Sam—who swings the bat at Jeremy’s head!! The split second before impact, we cut to:

Int. Unknown Location-Night

Jeremy. In some seedy, bare-mattress bed on a rusty frame. God knows where. Still asleep…he Gasps…chokes…then stops breathing.

As Jeremy dies in his sleep.

Int. Motel-Bobby’s Room- Night-Dean’s Dream

Dean, frightened backs away from Demon Dean. Who approaches. Grinning. When suddenly,.. Demon Dean vanishes into thin air—

Dean barely has a moment to register his confusion, when—

Int. Impala-Parked-Same

Dean and Sam jerk awake! Breathing hard, they share a look-- It’s over.

Sam looks relieved.

And Dean… well he’s doing his best to hide how freaked out he really is. As always.


End Of Act Four.

End Of Sides.
view post Posted on 18/10/2007, 08:19

Just mine

Dam Fans
Lawrence (Kansas)


Ho trovato e tradotto questo breve sommario dell'episodio:

L’episodio inizia con Dean che parla con un ragazzo di nome Jeremy.
Poi c’è una scena dove Dean è nella stanza di Bobby, mentre lo osserva dormire (perchè è ‘intrappolato’ in un sogno); entra anche Sam, nella stanza, e vede Dean osservare Bobby e allora gli chiede se è cambiato qualcosa e Dean gli dice di no.
Andando avanti, essi si ritrovano in sogni separati. Dean è nel sogno di Bobby e, a un certo punto, gli dice che sta sognando e che deve svegliarsi. Bobby dice qualcosa circa il fatto che ha ucciso sua moglie. Dean gli dice che deve ridestarsi da quel sogno perché Bobby ‘è come un padre per lui’.
In seguito, Dean si ritrova nel proprio sogno e sente delle cose terribili che lo riguardano, del tipo: ‘Tu non hai avuto nulla, al di fuori di Sam. Tu non vali nulla. Tu sei stupido e ubbidiente come un cane pronto all’attacco’. Sente anche che la sua auto, la sua giacca di pelle e la sua musica sono tutte cose di suo padre e che lui non ha dei pensieri propri ed originali. Infine: “Tutto è racchiuso in ‘Sta’ attento a Sammy’ e ‘Prenditi cura del tuo fratellino’”… All’improvviso, sempre nel suo sogno, Dean si imbatte in un demone (una sorta di suo 'alter ego onirico') che gli dice: “Tu non mi scapperai, Dean. Tu stai per morire e questo è ciò che tu diventerai”.
Intanto, Sam, nel suo sogno, si imbatte in Jeremy, che sembra essere l’unico responsabile di tutto ciò. Sam viene colpito con una mazza e legato a un palo nel terreno e colpito ancora di più ma, alla fine, riesce a liberarsi con la sua astuzia.
Infine, Dean e Sam riescono a svegliarsi nel posto dove si erano, precedentemente, addormentati, cioè l’Impala.

Edited by Aisha81 - 23/10/2007, 19:11
view post Posted on 18/10/2007, 08:59

ma perchè tutti devono sempre dire a dean che non vale nulla? -___-

grazie aisha per i sides!
view post Posted on 18/10/2007, 11:28

Just mine

Dam Fans
Lawrence (Kansas)


CITAZIONE (Elerel @ 18/10/2007, 09:59)
ma perchè tutti devono sempre dire a dean che non vale nulla? -___-

grazie aisha per i sides!

Prego Elerel! Hai ragione: perchè c'è tutto questo accanimento contro Dean?!? :buah:
view post Posted on 18/10/2007, 20:15

riassunto sides episodio 10

Dean asks the research from ms Sanders. He wears coat and tie. We see Jeremy, a grad student at his 20's.
Jeremy says to Dean that there are no hydroponics on the premises. Dean tells him that he's there to ask him about Dr.Gregg's sleep study. He dies and Jeremy was his last subject.
They drink their beers and talk. Jeremy says that he can't dream because of his head's bike accident. The doctor gave him a yellow tea to drink and now he can dream like he is in an acid dream and is scared.
In other scene, we see Dean thinking over Bobby's still form. Sam carries the research and asks him how Bobby's doing.
In an erased page, we see Bobby telling Dean that he killed his wife and Dean tells him that he's dreaming and he has to snap out of it.
Outside Bobby's house, Sam is hit in the gut by Jeremy who asks him who is he and he doesn't belong there. Sam tells him that he's in his friend's head.
Sam snaps out of the nightmare and he woke up inside Impala. Dean is asleep next to him, face turned away. Sam gently roused him to wake up but he's not Dean. He's Jeremy.
Sam openes the passenger door wounded from a bat that Jeremy swang into him.
Sam is still dreaming. Jeremy got out of the car, enjoying this. He can dream again and Sam calls him phycho. Jeremy tells him that he and Dean will never wake up.
Suddenly, Sam falls back into a dirt but he can't move. His wrinkles and ankles are tied with thick rope bound to a stake.
We see in an erased page a DreamDean who tells to Dean that he's got nothing outside Sam and he still hears dad's voice. Then Dean sees his own corpse where he's DreamDean and his eyes are demon black. DreamDean tells him that he's going to die.
Then we see Jeremy hitting hard Sam with a bat who's in pain. Sam tries to concentrate on Bobby and a photo of Jeremy's father. Jeremy tells him that he can't stop him because he took the Dream Root. Sam says he got it too and we see Jeremy's father. Jeremy is terrified and backs away from Sam.
Then we see Jeremy dying in his sleep. Sam and Dean are into the Impala breathing hard, waking. They share a look that means it's over.
Dean hides from Sam how freaked he felt.

67 replies since 11/10/2007, 16:27   999 views