3x13 Ghostfacers

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view post Posted on 11/4/2008, 18:00

Senior Member



No cioè ma avete notato quella in cui si diverte come un pazzo coi morti vicino??? Ahahah!
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view post Posted on 16/4/2008, 05:57

Just mine

Dam Fans
Lawrence (Kansas)


Andate qui per vedere tre video tratti da questo episodio. ;)
view post Posted on 16/4/2008, 09:15

che carini questi video! non ho capito bene cosa dicono perchè il mio inglese è pessimo ma comunque ho riso lo stesso! :) perchè non è gia il 24???????????
view post Posted on 16/4/2008, 19:37

Non ne posso più dell'attesa, più si avvicina il 24 e più divento impaziente :ahh: Ieri ho fatto tutti i conti dei 4 fusi orari USA compresa la sottrazione dell'ora legale, per capire quale sarà il momento più adatto per cercare l'episodio in rete: sto grattando il fondo del barile! :ghgh:

view post Posted on 18/4/2008, 22:29

Just mine

Dam Fans
Lawrence (Kansas)


La CW ha aperto una sezione del suo sito dedicata proprio a Ghostfacers!
Andate qui: è da non perdere! :lol:
view post Posted on 23/4/2008, 21:54

Just mine

Dam Fans
Lawrence (Kansas)


Ecco due articoli apparsi su Eclipse Magazine inerenti a questo episodio.
Sono stati intervistati due attori che vi prenderanno parte: A. J. Buckley e Brittany Ishibashi.

Supernatural Ghostfacing with A.J.Buckly: An Eclusive Interview

“The most challenging aspect for me in filming Ghostfacers was trying to keep a straight face!”

This coming Thursday, April 24th at 9PM EST the hit Warner Bros/CW Network series Supernatural kicks their third season back into post writer’s strike first run action with an episode titled Ghostfacers, written by series creator Eric Kripke.

Supernatural stars Jared Padalecki and Jensen Ackles as Sam and Dean Winchester: two sexy hot brothers who drive a kick-ass ‘67 Chevy Impala loaded with weapons for hunting down all manner of supernatural related creatures, ghosties and demons.

To help get Supernatural fans and viewers into the swing of things again, I sat down to chat via phone interview with A. J. Buckley one of the guest stars of Ghostfacers to get his take on coming back to the series two seasons later to reprise his character of the amateur ghost hunter, Ed Zeddmore from the Supernatural first season episode ‘Hell House’.

In the episode ‘Hell House’, Sam and Dean Winchester (Jared Padalecki and Jensen Ackles) encounter the amateur ghost hunting duo of Ed Zeddmore and Harry Spangler while the Winchester brothers are investigating the alleged presence of a maniacal ghost inhabiting a long abandoned Texas farmhouse known to the local residents as ‘Hell House’.

Buckley, who was in between takes on the set of CSI: New York in which he is now a regular cast member, was very cagey when it came to not revealing too many spoilers for the upcoming third season episode ‘Ghostfacers’, but he was more than willing to share openly about his feelings on come back to Supernatural to play the character of Ed Zeddmore and what it was like working on set with series leads Jared Padalecki and Jensen Ackles.

Buckley says that at the end of the first season episode ‘Hell House’, everything was left very open for the possibility of his character of Ed Zeddmore and that of his partner Ed Spangler (played by Travis Wester) to return at some point to have another run in with Sam and Dean Winchester. “We kept hearing rumblings that we were going to be brought back, but then a whole season passed and nothing happened so I kind forgot about it. Then this season we got the call that we were coming back and I was like ‘sweet, I can’t wait to see what they have come up with’.”

Even though he had gotten the call to let him know that his character of Ed Zeddmore was going to be returning for another episode of Supernatural in season three, Buckley, who is now playing the regular character role of the quirky scientist/lab technician Adam Ross on CSI: New York wasn’t sure how the scheduling was going to work out between the two series to allow him to make the guest appearance on Supernatural.

“The fact that CBS allowed me to have the time out of my CSI:New York filming schedule to go and do the episode of Supernatural totally shocked me,” he says candidly of the prime time network’s decision to allow Buckley the opportunity to do this. “I was all set to be bummed out about not being able to return to Supernatural and then it all worked out great.”

Upon reading the script for Ghostfacers, Buckley tells us that his immediate reaction to it was that it was like its own show within a show. “Travis and I were looking at each other and we were both pretty much thinking the same thing- spinoff!”

Whether Ghostfacers would go into spinoff territory or not, Buckley says that for him the best thing about filming this particular episode of Supernatural was how much fun it was. “It was not only incredibly well written, but because of the way it was shot and the style in which it was written there was a lot of room to play with improv.”

What made the experience even more fun, Buckley says, was getting the chance again to work with Jared Padalecki and Jensen Ackles whom he describes as two of the nicest people he knows. “They are ‘the salt of the earth’, straight up guys’ when it comes to working with them as actors,” Buckley tells us, speaking very highly of Padalecki and Ackles.

“They deserve all the success in the world for being great actors and great guys. I have known both of these guys for a long time and they both have this crazy sense of humor and are just very funny guys. I don’t know how many takes that we have to stop filming because we were laughing so hard and Phil (Sgriccia) the director would come over from behind the monitor and he would have tears running from his eyes from laughing so hard at us.”

Without giving too much away and spoiling viewers for the upcoming episode, A. J. Buckley does state that there will be attempts made by his character and that of Travis Wester’s to ‘get back’ at Sam and Dean for the trick they pulled on Zeddmore and Spangler at the end of the season one episode ‘Hell House’ in order to discredit the amateur duo to protect the truth of what hunters like the Winchester really do.

“There will be attempts made along the way get back at the Winchester brothers and our guy will think they are being very clever and there will be lots of great, funny banter and battles going on back and forth, but of course Sam and Dean are really one step ahead of us,” he says with a laugh.

Buckley said that all of the cast and crew were really having a lot of fun with this episode and telling him how much they were enjoying having these two characters back on the show for another episode. “Because this is normally such an intense and dark show, that it was so nice to have this kind of episode every once in a while and make people laugh.”

For the filming of Ghostfacers, the producers of Supernatural decided to take very different approach opting for the use of hand held cameras, an approach that A. J. Buckley tells us gave the episode a very ‘reality show’ feel too it that also left him feeling like he was on stage doing ‘live’ work as well. “We had about nine cameras going all of the time.”

Again without giving too much away, Buckley lets me know that while this is a very fun and funny episode, that once the action gets going it becomes very scary and there will be some dramatic arcs and twists going on for all the characters involved in the episode.

Buckley says that at any given time there was regular production cameras, surveillance cameras and but that the biggest thing was that the actors had the hand held cameras and were also responsible for filming the episode as well. “Most of the time it was really actors filming actors as part of creating the show within a show. The camera men would step in every once and a while, but for this episode they really kinda took it easy.”

Buckley tells me that he really enjoyed this aspect of the episode almost as much as the improv that they were allowed to do because this work with the cameras was not only something totally different for him to take on as an actor in a role, but that it also helped him to really get into the motivation and the aspects of where Ed Zeddmore was coming from. “It was great because it really just kept you in the moment and it made the scenes have a sense of life to them as a reality show type show.”

To get himself ready for this role where his character has taken on having a reality show about people who investigate hauntings and other unexplained events of a supernatural nature, A. J. Buckley says he did sit down to watch some of the shows like this that are on the air right now to get the feel for what this kind of show and these kinds of characters would come across like. “I watched all those shows and quite honestly I think that Ghostfacers would be able to hold its own against any of those other shows,” Buckley states very seriously before breaking into laughter. “The guys of Ghostfacers are ready to take them on any day!”

Supernatural fans and viewers can join Sam and Dean Winchester in ‘taking on’ Ghostfacers this coming Thursday, April 24th at 9PM EST on the CW Network.!

Ghostfacers Go to Girl: An Exclusive Q&A with Brittany Ishibashi on Her Role in Supernatural Season 3’s Ghostfacers

This coming Thursday, April 24th at 9PM EST the hit Warner Bros/CW Network series Supernatural kicks their third season back into post writer’s strike first run action with an episode titled Ghostfacers, written by series creator Eric Kripke.

Supernatural stars Jared Padalecki and Jensen Ackles as Sam and Dean Winchester: two sexy hot brothers who drive a kick-ass ‘67 Chevy Impala loaded with weapons for hunting down all manner of supernatural related creatures, ghosties and demons.

Continuing on with my quest to help get Supernatural fans and viewers into the swing of things again, I caught up with Brittany Ishibashi one of the guest stars of Ghostfacers to chat about her role as Maggie Zeddmore, the Ghostfacers ‘go to girl’.

Ishibashi, a 28 year old native of Southern California, has had guest roles on other hit series such as ‘CSI’, ‘Nip/Tuck’ and ‘The Office’ took time out of her busy schedule to chat with me about her role in the Supernatural season 3 episode ‘Ghostfacers’ and give us her insight into the character of Maggie Zeddmore and what it was like to work on this unique episode of the hit series.

MR: What interested you the most about taking on this role?

BI: It was such a fun script! I loved the idea behind it. It was unlike anything I had ever read or seen before. Plus, I’m such a big fan of Supernatural and the style in which it’s done. I thought “Ya know, if this works, this could be a groundbreaking new way to shoot an episodic.”

MR: How would you describe your character’s motivations in this episode to be where she is and who she is?

BI: Maggie likes to think she’s a tough cookie. I mean, she grew up with Ed as her older brother and as the little (adopted) sister really wanted to impress him and show that she was capable of anything. Her parents put her in martial arts and dance classes when she was little. She devoured all of the books in her parent’s library. Growing up, her library card was her most prized possession. Her book smarts and “training” really get tested in this episode though.

As she faces the ghosts and their lives are all endangered she really starts to wonder what she’s doing it all for and begins to really appreciate her brother and how he looks out for her. And, how wonderfully the ‘Facers’ work together as a team.

MR: What was the most challenging aspect about working on this episode for you?

BI: Filming the episode ourselves was pretty challenging. In addition to being ‘in the scene’ and connecting with your fellow actors you had an ADDED responsibility to tell a story through the camera! A lot of us had these fabulous high def handhelds and some had headband cams or cameras strapped to their bodies. Plus we were in charge of lighting everything and everyone with our flashlights!

It was tough–but once we started playing around we got some really good footage. The process was incredibly interesting. After every take we’d plug the cameras into the monitors and watch everyone’s footage. The pressure was on! It kind of became like a fun game after a while….who was able to cover the scene the best. Man, if your camera got plugged in and you caught the ceiling or you didn’t light an actor you would feel a little bit of shame inside and a HUGE desire to go back in there and get the good stuff—you know, really “wow” ‘em. It was such a nice pat on the back to catch something really great and have the DP shake his head and say “that was great. I don’t know if I can top that…you guys are gonna put me outta work.”

MR: What was the most fun?

BI: The whole experience was so much fun! Because we were shooting the episode as a ‘reality show’ they constructed 360 degree sets and just let us loose. It was definitely the most fun I’ve ever had on an episodic. There was one moment when we were storming the Morton House when I had one of those “This is so much fun! I get paid for this?!” moments.

It was a dark, chilly night and we were supposed to run across a bridge and up to this huge barbed wire topped chain link fence. They had a fog rolling in over the house and we were hiding in bushes and breaking locks and running around the grounds trying to find a way in. It was JUST LIKE the games you would play with your siblings and neighbors growing up! But instead of having to imagine a big huge haunted mansion in the backyard of your parents house we had it for real!

MR: What was something that you learned about from working on Ghostfacers that you might not have known before?

BI: Through working on this episode my respect and awe for the cinematographer quadrupled! It’s an intense focus and fluidity that’s required to tell a story movingly. I mean, how does one make a camera “frightened”…”joyous”…”desperate”…It is a talent that I greatly admire and would love to be exposed to further.

MR: Have you ever watched shows like Ghost Hunters before? If not did you take some time to watch some episode to see how the process is approached to get a feel for where you character is coming from?

BI: Those shows are so cool! And they have the best gadgets. I love how they approach their case and every situation with open minds and hearts and they’ve really done their research.

7. As you said, the whole episode was filmed with hand held cameras to give it a ‘reality show’ feel. How did this differ for you as opposed to working with the normal filming process?

BI: Because we didn’t need to take down walls and reset a whole lot in between setups, we were moving really fast. And that lent itself to some wonderful improvisational opportunities. We had some very funny people on set. I’m glad so much of that made it into the episode.

MR: What was your experience like working with all the guys?

BI: They were all great. The vibe on set was definitely very playful. I was just one of the boys for those few weeks. It was like I instantly had a bunch of brothers.

MR: What other roles or projects can we see you in besides this episode of Supernatural?

BI: There are a few interesting things in the works that I can’t discuss just yet, but hopefully will be able to very soon! In the meantime, check out the Ghostfacers website that the CW set up at Ghostfacers!

Tune into the CW Network this coming Thursday, April 24th at 9PM EST to see Brittany Ishibashi in her role as Maggie Zeddmore in the Supernatural season 3 episode ‘Ghostfacers’, starring Jared Padalecki and Jensen Ackles.

view post Posted on 24/4/2008, 05:16

Just mine

Dam Fans
Lawrence (Kansas)


E ancora su questo episodio, Buddytv ha effettuato una video-intervista a Jared Padalecki. Andate qui per vederla.
Ecco la trascrizione dell'intervista:

Hi, this is John Kubicek, and I'm on the set of Supernatural with Jared Padalecki.

What's going on guys?

First, do you want to explain your appearance a bit?

Yeah, Jensen pissed me off so I kicked his ass. No, we're shooting season 3 right now and we're at the end of episode 14 of 16, instead of 22, because the strike obviously shortened the season eight episodes. No, six episodes, I'm sorry. We've got 16 instead of 22, and now we're on 14. This is the aftermath of a fight I got in with the crocotta, so I guess if you're seeing this you know that I made it. So don't watch it if you haven't seen episode 3.14. Yeah, we're filming the end scene right now of the episode, so we're both beat up, worse for wear, and war torn soldiers just trying to relax at the end of the day.

Now that you're coming back after the long strike with these final four episodes, the first one back is kind of a standalone, "Ghostfacers." Can you explain a little bit about that episode?

Absolutely. We're actually in the set of "Ghostfacers," which was the first one back like you were saying, the 13th episode of the third season. The Hell Hounds come back from season 1, who were in the episode "Hell House." Two funny guys, they play Ed and Harry, but their real names are Travis and AJ, and it's a good time. It's kind of funny, but scary, and we run into these basically podunk wannabe demon hunters, and we have to go save their asses -- save their butts -- from a haunted house that they found out about. They're going to try to debunk the myth. Sam and Dean are actually there on a totally separate agenda all on their own, and then we run into them once again and we're like, "Hey, aren't you...? Aww." So we have to come in and save the day once again.

And it's all filmed like the pilot episode of this reality show they're shooting?

Correct. We see it as if we're watching an episode of their television show, so there's no film cameras, there's no get in your light and hit your mark because we have these big, huge, gigantic, expensive cameras. Now we have these very tiny expensive cameras, but it's just stuff you can buy from Best Buy, little high definition, whatever brand it is, that you just strap on the side of your head for like a security camera, or you're just holding it in the palm of your hand. We have I think 11 of them set up in different rooms, and then all the characters have headband cams and they're holding cameras. It's really cool. It's kind of shot like Cloverfield, which I haven't seen yet, but I've heard a lot of good things about. So sort of that Blair Witch meets Cloverfield kind of reality/scary show.

Just as an actor filming something that different, how does that compare to the normal way of shooting an episode?

It's very different. It's very, very different. As an actor you're able to sort of act more realistic. You don't have to fluff it up so much, it doesn't have to be "HEY!" You can exist, and it's almost like they're catching the action as opposed to your acting like an enzyme for the action. You get to sort of exist there, as opposed to the cameras existing for you. Hard to explain, but anyways, it was hard to get into because we had just had a three month break. I think it was the longest Jensen and I had gone without playing Sam and Dean since the pilot. Even the difference between the pilot to when we shot "Wendigo" was like two and a half months. We went a long time, so it was weird to get back on the set anyways, then to get back on the set with all these little handheld cams was really strange, but it was really fun. And a fun sort of way to ease back into the reality of film days.

view post Posted on 25/4/2008, 10:03

Just mine

Dam Fans
Lawrence (Kansas)


Ho appena visto l'episodio: è molto divertente! E' una vera caricatura di quei fantomatici reality shows che imperversano in America! :lol:
Vi invito a notare cosa fa Dean durante la "sigla" di questo reality! Ahahahahah!
Quando i Winchester si trovano faccia a faccia con quei due scapestrati "acchiappafantasmi", visti già in Hell House, si sentono una serie di bestemmie e parolacce, accompagnate da delle espressioni uniche dei loro volti, che vengono tutte censurate! Ogni volta che Sam e Dean dicono una parolaccia o una bestemmia, sulle loro bocche appare un teschio che indica la censura! :lol:
La puntata è molto sullo stile del film The Blair Witch Project; le inquadrature, così come i toni cupi, sono simili.
Solo alla fine, c'è un attimo di "serietà" quando uno dei partecipanti a questo pilot del reality show muore, ucciso da un fantasma che infestava la Morton House (che esiste davvero e si dice che, ogni anno, sia oggetto di fenomeni paranormali).
Vi segnalo le canzoni suonate in questo episodio:
N/A - Ghostfacers Theme Song
Grand Funk Railroad - We're An American Band
Focus - Hocus Pocus
Leslie Gore - It's My Part

Edit: gli ascolti di questo episodio sono stati di circa 2.27 milioni di telespettatori.

Edited by Aisha81 - 25/4/2008, 19:57
view post Posted on 25/4/2008, 12:27

dove l'hai preso l'episodio?!!
view post Posted on 25/4/2008, 18:59

Just mine

Dam Fans
Lawrence (Kansas)


CITAZIONE (Nikita3 @ 25/4/2008, 13:27)
dove l'hai preso l'episodio?!!

Di certi argomenti è preferibile parlarne in altra sede, visto che c'è il copyright. Per questo, qui, non ci sono discussioni su dove prendere gli episodi. E' una questione di correttezza. ;)
view post Posted on 26/4/2008, 10:43

:lol: Fiuh, finalmente un episodio "leggero" dopo la raffica di rivelazioni degli ep precedenti..ci voleva proprio una pausa dalla tensione creatasi per via del patto ecc.. :P
E' stata una piacevolissima sorpresa ritrovare i due comici personaggi di Hell House..e ancora più piacevole è stato vedere un episodio girato come un horror reality (quoto Aisha)..mi ha fatto venire in mente quello show presentato da Jared, mi pare si chiamasse 'Room 401'.
Beh, in generale pieni voti anche a Ghostfacers.
Questa stagione credo si stia rivelando la migliore delle tre, peccato che avremo meno episodi del previsto..
view post Posted on 26/4/2008, 11:10

CITAZIONE (Aisha81 @ 25/4/2008, 19:59)
CITAZIONE (Nikita3 @ 25/4/2008, 13:27)
dove l'hai preso l'episodio?!!

Di certi argomenti è preferibile parlarne in altra sede, visto che c'è il copyright. Per questo, qui, non ci sono discussioni su dove prendere gli episodi. E' una questione di correttezza. ;)

è giusto, ma poteva essermi mandato anche un PM, io non ne parlavo e il problema era inesistente.... ;)
view post Posted on 26/4/2008, 11:13

Dunque gli episodi della terza stagione sono 16 ? (stando a quanto dice wikipedia)
view post Posted on 26/4/2008, 11:51

si si sono sedici....
view post Posted on 27/4/2008, 02:21

Ho visto l'episodio 2 volte, perché prima di scrivere il mio parere volevo essere sicura, insomma, a conti fatti sono un po' delusa, e metto Ghostfacers insieme a Mistery Spot nel novero degli episodi meno belli di questa 3° Stagione.
Mi aspettavo molta più comicità, ma non mi è sembrato che ce ne fosse molta: i momenti più belli sono stati:
- Dean che alza il dito medio di fronte alla telecamera;
- "Nella mia borsa c'è del sale, fate un cerchio ed entrateci dentro!" - "Dove? Nella tua borsa?" -"Nel sale, idiota!" Questo scambio di battute è stato fantastico e mi ha fatto ridere tanto! :hihi:

Non sto dicendo che l'episodio ha fatto schifo, però non mi ha fatto impazzire, forse anche perché avrei voluto vedere un po' di più i ragazzi, invece erano assenti in alcune scene di discreta lunghezza e trovo che la puntata ne abbia risentito un po'.

E' una mia impressione infondata, o trovate anche voi che Kripke abbia ironizzato e tirato qualche frecciatina a proposito dello sciopero degli sceneggiatori e alla CW? Mi riferisco a Ed e Eddie che nella presentazione del loro reality dicono: "Chi ha bisogno di sceneggiatori quando c'è un reality come il nostro?" (In questo caso penso che Kripke abbia fatto solo della semplice ironia senza voler essere cattivo); invece quando Dean dice: "Non mi lamenterò dei miei

SPOILER (click to view)
problemi in un
SPOILER (click to view)
reality, ma farò il mio
SPOILER (click to view)
ho il sospetto che Kripke abbia voluto tirare una frecciatina alla CW che è famosa per i suoi reality di dubbio gusto, e suppongo che sia una "ritorsione" per il trattamento poco sensibile che la CW riserva al suo show più bello. <_< Magari mi sbaglio e queste sono fantasie mie e basta, però mi resta il dubbio. :occhioni: :ghgh:

EDIT: altra cosa che mi è piaciuta è stato vedere l'arrivo dei Winchester sul posto da fuori della macchina, perché siamo abituati sempre a vedere il loro arrivo dall'interno dell'abitacolo dell'Impala, con loro due che litigano o discutono del "caso", invece questa volta abbiamo visto tutto da fuori, i fari della macchina nel buio, la musica che esce dai finestrine aperti e loro due che osservano la Morton House dalla strada, bello, è stato proprio piacevole questo cambio di prospettiva. :tutu:

La data fatale si avvicina, povero Dean gli restano solo due mesi! :buah: Chi sa se Kripke lo salverà... certo che quel cliffhanger che prometteva mi lascia pensare parecchio. I'm scared... :sigh:

51 replies since 3/3/2008, 17:57   1189 views